When I load up a GMK in v1.6 Beta 2, the following resources have some values zeroed out:
Sounds: the volume is set to zero.
Paths: all nodes are set to 0,0.
I have not yet tested if any other resources are affected in this way, but these are the two I noticed immediately.
This zeroing out occurs when I save the GMK as a GM6 while in LateralGM.
more /root/Bugs/v1.6 Beta 2 - Resource values change.thread
We believe this was fixed in r370. Please redownload the beta2 and confirm whether the problem still exists or has been fixed.
Since we have not received a response, and nobody else is saying that they still experience the problem, we can only assume that this problem is resolved. I am therefor closing this. If you still experience this problem, either reply to this (you can still reply to closed topics) or create a new topic.
Tested this and it all works fine. No bugs at all.