Welcome! Wilkommen! Bienvenue! Bienvenida! Tervetuloa!
Looks like this forum is starting to take shape.
more /root/Rules and Announcements/Change Log.thread
And now you can post replies.
Unread posts is now working. Unlike other forums, which only show an icon when there's new posts, you'll find that my forums will tell you how many new threads and new posts there are.
Also, logging in and out will now keep you on the page that you were reading.
Two new features
* New lines are now displayed properly
* New posts have a different background colour
* New lines are now displayed properly
* New posts have a different background colour
Fixed two bugs
* Logging out blocked you from logging in again. This is fixed.
* Visiting a board with new posts showed that each thread had the same number of new posts. This is fixed.
Also, I've introduced a "Remember Me" feature, which uses a cookie. I'll explain this in more detail once it's finished.
* Logging out blocked you from logging in again. This is fixed.
* Visiting a board with new posts showed that each thread had the same number of new posts. This is fixed.
Also, I've introduced a "Remember Me" feature, which uses a cookie. I'll explain this in more detail once it's finished.
Remember Me feature is pretty much done, just need to look over it a couple more times to make sure nobody gets stuck at any pages like I did. You can find an explanation behind it at the Remember Me topic.
Also, a vast majority of the BBCode is done, as demonstrated above.
invalid cookieAlso, a vast majority of the BBCode is done, as demonstrated above.
Threads listed for a board are now sorted by their last post date. Not sure how I overlooked this when I wrote the original forum software.
PickleMan has been helping to implement some features, like Moderator Support (now finished).
Do not ask to be a mod - usually that's a pretty good indicator that you would not make a good mod. At this time, the few hand-selected people who are mods are able to edit and delete posts, and open/close and delete topics.
Of course, we have a policy against censorship, so these mod abilities should only be used in trivial cases like duplicate topics, fixing typos or broken links, etc. or when you're just terribly off topic (these boards are for LGM, not pron)
Do not ask to be a mod - usually that's a pretty good indicator that you would not make a good mod. At this time, the few hand-selected people who are mods are able to edit and delete posts, and open/close and delete topics.
Of course, we have a policy against censorship, so these mod abilities should only be used in trivial cases like duplicate topics, fixing typos or broken links, etc. or when you're just terribly off topic (these boards are for LGM, not pron)
We now have a Private Message system.
Pron? Is that like cron?
No. Swap the R and O to see what it really means.
You mean non-casual sex?
Yes, that would be considered off topic.
What if I were making a pronographic game?
Really weird...I'm uh...setting