All numbers on this documentation are in Decimal format. Each line begins with the number of bytes that the information of that line requires, unless the line contains an insertion or a bit description, as explained below. Unless otherwise stated, values are stored as Big-Endian Integers A { and its paired } indicate insertions: > Any Length followed by { } indicates a string insertion > Any value followed by a { on the next line indicates that the information between that { and its paired } is repeated the amount of times specified by that value. A >> denotes that a byte is broken up into bits, and the following lines describe those bits, each preceded by a > and a bit count (denoted by a "b" - e.g. "1b" indicates 1 bit) *1* Execution Information is an adapted value that depends on Execution Type. 0 Normal - Execution Information remains empty (0) 1 Function - Execution Information contains Function Name 2 Code - Execution Information contains Code *2* Argument Types: 0 Expression 1 String 2 Both 3 Boolean 4 Menu 13 Color 15 Font String 5 Sprite 6 Sound 7 Background 8 Path 9 Script 10 Object 11 Room 12 Font 14 Timeline ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 (string) "LGL" 2 LGM version needed for the following info (160) 3 Lib ID (if ID < 1000, this file is protected as official) 1 Length of Tab Caption { Tab Caption } 1 Length of Author { Author } 4 Lib Version 8 (double) Last Changed date 4 Length of Info { Info } 4 Length of Initialization Code { Initialization Code } 1 >> > 1b Advanced > 7b Number of Actions { 2 LGM version needed for the following info (160) 2 Action Id 1 Length of Name { Name } 4 Image size { Zlib compressed BMP } 1 Length of Description { Description } 1 Length of List Text { List Text } 1 Length of Hint Text { Hint Text } 1 >> > 1b Hidden > 1b Advanced > 1b Registered only > 1b Question > 1b Apply to > 1b Relative > 2b Execution Type (0-2) *1* 4 Length of Execution Information { Execution Information } *1* 1 >> > 4b Kind (0-10) > 4b Interface Kind (0=Normal, 1=None, 2=Arrows, 5=Code, 6=Text) 1 Argument Count { 1 Length of Argument Caption { Argument Caption } 1 Argument Type (0-16) *2* 1 Length of Default Argument Value { Default Argument Value } 1 Length of Menu { Menu } } }